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Susan Elkins & Jack Winerock

In 2023, Susan Elkins and Jack Winerock celebrated two 50th anniversaries: their marriage and their membership at the LJCC.

From the very first service they attended at the LJCC, Susan and Jack felt the warm and welcoming environment. Susan had a Reform and Conservative background, and Jack had a Traditional experience davening with his father at a NYC shul and singing in a Jewish children’s choir. They loved the mixture of service traditions at the LJCC.

Jack started leading services right away and joining other volunteer cantors. After Susan took a Hebrew class, they began co-leading services. They brought tunes they had learned from Jewish Renewal services in Philadelphia and later from Debbie Friedman songs they learned from their daughters at Jewish camp. Susan eventually led the monthly Shiray Shabbat (“Songs of Shabbat”) service (started by Diane Whitten-Vile) that included a variety of musical instruments. Diane also produced a CD to raise money for the Religious School that was sold in our gift shop.

Susan and Jack also co-led a First Night Rosh Hashanah service (created by Hillel Director Daveen Litwin and Susan in 1980) that was held yearly until about 2017. It became so popular and drew in so many people, it was held downstairs in the social hall, while a more traditional service was held upstairs. Jack led other High Holiday services and b’nai mitzvot himself. They both named babies, performed funerals, led seders. Their harmonizing and Jack’s old-world voice and chanting made the Shabbat service and the First Night Rosh Hashanah service special.  And the congregation caught the spirit.

They both served on the Ritual Committee at different times, and Jack as a concert pianist, performed fundraising concerts at the LJCC. Susan served five different terms as LJCC president and many years on the Board. She co-directed the Sunday School for a couple of years alongside Leni Salkind, teaching (among others) Jordan Yochim (now former LJCC President and Treasurer) as well as other 5th graders who later became community leaders.

Jack and Susan’s daughters, Mollie and Emily, also loved the LJCC. It was a place where they felt special as soon as they entered. In addition, the community was an invaluable source of support to their family during difficult times. Their adult children are still seeking a similar congregation in their East Coast home cities. And now Susan and Jack’s grandchildren love coming to the LJCC, especially when “Papa” participates in the service.

Susan and Jack have purchased many leaves for the Tree of Life (the beautiful Herb Friedson enamel sculpture on the south wall of the social hall). The inscribed leaves tell their family story, and Susan and Jack want to leave a legacy for the future of all LJCC members and their stories.

Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785