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High Holidays 5784

Below follows the calendar of events for our 2023 services, all of which (save for Tashlich and the Rosh Hashanah Open House ) are hybrid. Register using the form below.

There a variety of ways to participate in our High Holiday services. If you'd like to read Torah, have an aliyah or other honor, and/or serve as a greeter, please indicate this on your registration or contact Program and Engagement Director, Lara Giordano.

Given our commitment to inclusivity, the LJCC does not charge for high holiday tickets. We want all to be able to attend, regardless of their ability to pay. We do, however, welcome contributions toward the cost of these services and offer a variety of sponsorship levels. Every bit helps. We invite you, as well, to become a member at the LJCC and to support Jewish life in Lawrence year-round.


Friday September 15

7pm - Erev Rosh Hashanah Services

Saturday September 16

9:30am - Rosh Hashanah Services

Sunday September 17

9:30am - Rosh  Hashanah Services

3pm - Tashlich in Burcham Park

3:30 to 6:30pm - Rosh Hashanah Open House hosted by the LJCC President

Sunday September 24

Kol Nidre and Maariv at 7pm 

Monday September 25

9:30am - Yom Kippur services

1 pm - Yizkor

5pm - Mincha and Neilah

Break the fast with us immediately after Yom Kippur Services


Please use the following form to register for the High Holidays. We appreciate receiving registrations by September 1st. Those requiring babysitting must register by September 1st.

Please enter your name here.
   September 15, 7pm - Erev Rosh Hashanah
   September 16, 9:30am - Rosh Hashanah Day 1
   September 17, 9:30am - Rosh-Hashanah Day 2
   September 17, 3pm - Tashlich
   September 17, 3:30pm - Open House
   September 24, 7pm - Kol Nidre & Maariv
   September 25, 9:30am - Yom Kippur
   September 25, 7:15pm - Break the Fast
Please note that greeters serve two important functions: welcoming folks and making them feel at home and as an important security precaution. To safely hold the High Holidays, we require at least two greeters to be working at all times. Please consider being of service to your community in this important way.


Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784