Parashat Ki Tisa 5784 / פָּרָשַׁת כִּי תִשָּׂא
02/27/2024 01:25:38 PM
LL Giordano
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✷ to be read on March 2⎮22 Adar ✷
Parashat Ki Tisa ("When you Elevate") opens as G-d tells Moshe to collect a half-shekel donation from all Israelites and to anoint the Mishkan, its vessels, and the priests. As Rabbi Scott Perlo has noted, God's instructions for anointment are rendered with a unique grammatical structure which conveys the utter singularity of the person, process, and the product involved. For R'Perlo, this sets up on opposition between mass production and holiness, one worth considering given the economic era in which we find ourselves.
After receiving these instructions for anointment, Moshe ascends Mt. Sinai once again. The people, despairing of his return, beg Aaron to make them a new god. Aaron instructs the people to remove their golden earrings so that he can create, from out of this molten material, a golden calf. As tradition has it, the women of the tribe refused to turn over their jewelry, receiving Rosh Chodesh as a reward for this act of resistance.
Moshe returns from Mt. Sinai with the Tablets of Testimony. Enraged by the Israelites reveling before their new idol, he destroys the tablets upon which G-d has inscribed his laws. Moshe begs to see G-d's visage, but is allowed no more than a view of his back. After this episode nonetheless, Moshe is fundamentally altered, his countenance now casting beams of light. For a compelling drash on this transformation, listen to Rabbi Deena Cowan on the Talmudic wisdom concerning those singular relationships that shape our ways of seeing and being in this world.
For one of my favorite secular takes on the character of Moses and the meaning of leadership, see Freud's art critical analysis "The Moses of Michelangelo."
Fri, February 7 2025
9 Shevat 5785
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 8 , 2025
Shabbat, Feb 8th 10:30a to 1:00p
Join us for Saturday Morning services led by Jack Winerock & Susan Elkins. This event will be followed by a Kiddush lunch potluck in honor of Jack's 80th birthday. Please indicate in the notes section what you plan to bring. -
Thursday ,
FebFebruary 13 , 2025Tu Bishvat Celebration
Thursday, Feb 13th 5:30p to 7:00p
This year, we are celebrating the new year of the trees with a vegan Seder, kids' arts activities and games, and a tree seedling fundraiser! -
Friday ,
FebFebruary 14 , 2025
Friday, Feb 14th 6:00p to 8:00p
Join us at the Oriental Bistro for a casual dinner and candlelighting. -
Friday ,
FebFebruary 21 , 2025
Friday, Feb 21st 5:30p to 7:00p
Our monthly family-friendly service! We'll nosh at 5:30pm with services to begin an hour later. It's potluck-style with the Family Programming Committee providing a baked potato bar. Let us know in the notes section what you can contribute to the smorgasboard. -
Saturday ,
FebFebruary 22 , 20253rd Annual Telling Our Stories Through Food with author-illustrator Marilyn Naron (Hybrid)
Motzei Shabbat, Feb 22nd 7:00p to 9:00p
I Do Not Want Your Sympathy: Shiva, Snacks, and the Art of Remembering - What is comfort? What do mourners need, and is memory really a blessing? Join us for an evening of art and discussion with local author-illustrator (and former pastry chef) Marilyn Naron. The LJCC will exhibit Marilyn’s recent art commissioned for the Kansas Book Festival, including the central piece “I Do Not Want Your Sympathy,” a triptych painted and collaged entirely from sympathy cards her family received after the death of her sister in 1996. Marilyn is currently at work on an illustrated memoir, “How to Draw a Sister,” and her talk will explore how food, sympathy, memory, and Jewish death rituals come together in that project. -
Friday ,
FebFebruary 28 , 2025
Friday, Feb 28th 7:00p to 9:00p
Jack Winerock and Susan Elkins will lead this special service devoted to the plight of refugees. A potluck oneg will follow. Please let us know in the notes section, if possible, what you will bring. -
Sunday ,
MarMarch 2 , 2025Tzedakah Boxes of the Klein Collection with curator Abby Magariel
Sunday, Mar 2nd 10:15a to 11:30a
The LJCC is pleased to announce that it will now house a rotating display of items from B'nai Jehudah's esteemed Klein Collection! Our first display will feature Tzedakah boxes from the Michael Klein Collection. Inaugurating our new status as a Klein Collection site, curator Abby Magariel will join us for a broad discussion of the Michael Klein Collection and its mission to explore Jewish art, history and cultures from around the world. -
Saturday ,
MarMarch 8 , 2025
Shabbat, Mar 8th 10:30a to 1:00p
Join us for Saturday Morning services. This event will be followed by a vegan Kiddush lunch. -
Friday ,
MarMarch 14 , 2025
Friday, Mar 14th 5:00p to 8:00p
Join the LJCC for a celebration of Purim...and Pi Day! Come dressed in your best math-themed costume to nosh on pizza pie and dessert pies. Bring your homemade hamantaschen to share. Come for the revelry - stay for the spiel! -
Sunday ,
MarMarch 16 , 2025Services 101: A workshop for new service leaders & perplexed participants / Session 1: The Structure of Services
Sunday, Mar 16th 3:00p to 5:00p
The narrative arc of services, how to receive an aliyah and lead Havdalah, and a brief introduction to reading Hebrew and Aramaic.
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