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Leni & Neil Salkind

In 1973, my husband Neil and I moved to Lawrence straight out of graduate school. When we arrived, I called the LJCC right away to ask if there was a pool for us to use -- and instead found a warm and welcoming congregation in my new hometown. That same summer we arrived, so did a number of other young couples (Katzmans, Kleiners, Winerock/Elkins, and other families who were essential to the LJCC over the years). As we all settled in, we also quickly connected with the LJCC and with each other.

Over our years in Lawrence, Neil and I were highly involved in many aspects of the congregation - both serving as President; teaching Sunday school; chairing the Blintz Brunch and helping out with the bake sale; and as well serving on the LJCC board and the board of the Jewish Community Women. Neil and I also devoted ourselves to providing community meals - for Shabbat; latkes for Chanukah' casseroles for LINK; whatever was needed for the community Seder.

This wonderful, hamish community has always meant that if help was needed, then someone was helping. From baby naming and bris to bar and bat mitzvahs (one of each in our family) to the community joining us to sit shiva for Neil: we have always had support from our LJCC community in times of both joy and sadness. As time moved on, we became the older members of the community and younger membership seemed to slow. When I hear of the surge of new membership I am so pleased to know that those baby naming and bar/bat mitzvahs will continue to happen. 

Now that Neil has passed and I no longer live in Lawrence, life is different. But years ago, we both made a commitment to the LJCC. Then as now, we wanted the center to flourish. When we revised our wills, we included the LJCC as a recipient of a planned contribution in addition to the annual donation that we already give.

We are so happy to be able to ensure that future Lawrencians benefit from the programs and services that have meant so much to us - and to our children.

Mon, March 3 2025 3 Adar 5785