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Dying Well Series: On Spiritual Aging with Rabbi Mark Levin (Hybrid)

Sunday, April 28, 2024 20 Nisan 5784

5:00 PM - 7:00 PM

The second installment of the LJCC Dying Well series features Rabbi Mark Levin, the founding rabbi of Congregation Beth Torah in Overland Park. Rabbi Levin will speak on the topic of “spiritual aging,” how we are able to create meaning and purpose in life not despite of but precisely in view of death.  All too often, we fail to discuss the most crucial aspects of aging. We invite you to join us to have a non-judgmental and open conversation, drawing on the power and strength of our Jewish texts.

What lessons have you gained in this journey of life?
What keeps you up at night?
Where and how have you found meaning and what lessons have been learned about trees planted in the past that have or have not borne fruit?
What investments of time, emotion, caring, planning, devotion, love, belief, energy and sacrifice have contributed to your harvest of meaning and purpose?
How do we cope with the necessary and inevitable losses, from relationships to our bodies?
Where is the sacred in all of this?

This event was made possible in part by the Melvin Landsberg fund for Adult Education.

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Sun, May 5 2024 27 Nisan 5784